Aaaargh!! Today was a great day but I don't have any pictures! Why? Well, let me tell you. First, I tried to take pictures this morning and realized that my battery was dead. That was disappointing but I decided that I could zip home at lunch and get a charged battery for the camera and at least have some pictures of the afternoon. Unfortunately, when I arrived back at school and put in the charged battery, I realized that I didn't have the media card in the camera. Bummer. So today you will just have to use your imaginations as I tell you what we did.
We started the day looking at books and doing puzzles. Some of us also got to try the new fish tank toy which helps us learn about shapes. Next, we sang "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and rocked in our wooden boat. Then we flipped the boat over to make stairs. We practiced walking up and down the stairs and when we got to the bottom we jumped over a candle. While we were doing this we learned a new nursery rhyme: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jump over the candle stick. Of course we used our student's names in the rhyme to make it more fun. We also played musical chairs and practiced asking, "What color is your chair?" and answering, "My chair is _______." Next it was center time. We had fun playing with the flour in the sensory table and making flour towers with our cups. We also got to finger paint with shaving cream. We smelled pretty good after that. We had a little time to play in the pizza kitchen and then it was time for snack; Craisins and graham crackers. YUM.
We have actually ordered a camera for classroom use and it should be here any day. After that I am confident that we will be more consistent with pictures because I won't be leaving the necessary parts at home.
Thank you for sharing today's events.