Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wow! Busy, busy, busy day. We played musical chairs in both classes today. This gives everyone a chance to work on interactions with peers, color concepts, asking questions ("What color is your chair?") and answering questions ("My chair is _______.")

We worked more on our big, cardboard pizzas today. We added sauce and then toppings.

We also used a salad spinner today, but not to make salad. We used it to make PIZZA! We dropped in some red paint for the sauce and some orange paint for the cheese, gave it a spin, and voila! Pizza spin art!

In the morning class we reviewed "Pete's a Pizza" and then some of us were made into pizzas.

We had a little time to play with toys and in the pizza shop.

Then it was time to clean up and have snack. In the morning we celebrated a friend's birthday with cupcakes and raisins. Luckily for the afternoon class there were leftovers so they also had cupcakes and raisins.
What do we think about cupcakes for snack?

In the afternoon class we ended the day with a story called "Where Does It Go?" It is a silly book that asks questions like, "Where does a bike go? In the mailbox? In the dryer? Or in the garage?"
Everyone had a great day!

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