Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hey, sorry about the lack of blogging last week but I was sick most of the week.
But now I'm back in the saddle.
Today we continued our focus on "big" and "little" in the morning class and we did a little more videotaping.
We also sorted our names into categories (boys and girls) and played musical chairs. When we play musical chairs we all get a chance to ask our neighbor "What color is your chair?" and then answer, "My chair is _______."
Then we went outside to play.

Watching the construction of the new park.
Miss Diane read a story called "Five Little Ducks." We counted ducks and talked about their colors.

In the afternoon we played a game with shapes which focused on the concept "between," did some more videotaping for our "Who is Hiding?" movie, and we played musical chairs.
Then we completed a worksheet where we had to draw a vertical line from the top bear to the bottom bear.

Then we had some time to play.

Snack today was blackberries and animal crackers.

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