Thursday, March 13, 2014

We had a very busy Thursday. Miss Melani came today (she usually comes on Wednesday) and she had a very fun obstacle course for us to complete.  We had to hop like bunnies, crawl through tunnels, and then get into and out of a big box.

In the morning we played a game with circles and had to follow directions like, "Point to the red circle," and "Give me the red and the blue circle." We also sorted our names by age.

Both classes worked on self portraits.  In the morning we focused on our faces and in the afternoon we drew our whole body.

During play time we painted, played at the sensory table, worked at the writing table, and played with the horses.

Snack today was watermelon and animal crackers.


  1. What a busy day. Looks like all the kids had a lot of fun!

  2. If anyone is interested in a spring break play date, we will be going to Hohokam park on Wednesday at 10am.
