Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We had a great day today!
We started our pet store unit today.
First, we sorted our names by the kind of pets we have at home: a dog, a cat, a fish, or none.
Then we played a couple of games.  The first game was called "What lives here?"
Miss Julie showed everyone some pictures including a bird cage, a dog house, a fish bowl, a rabbit hutch, etc., and then asked, "What lives here?"
Then Miss Diane played "What's Missing?" She put three pets on the floor, covered them with a blanket, and then took one away. We had to guess which one was missing.

Next, we made the first letter of our names by tracing the letter with glue and then sprinkling on rice.


We also have rice in the sensory table.

Then, we played in the pet shop.


Snack today was Craisins, cantaloupe, and animal crackers.

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