Thursday, October 30, 2014

Excitement is in the air as our Halloween party approaches. Today we made our trick-or-treat bags that we will use tomorrow to take our treats home and we played with orange playdough.

During circle time we played a game with Miss Diane where we had to distinguish between big and little pumpkins and hard and soft pumpkins (we have some plush pumpkins, not rotten ones).

The morning class sequenced four pictures to tell the Itsy Bitsy Spider story and the PM class helped get rid of a big, green monster.

We heard a lot of Halloween stories today.

Snack today was vanilla cookies and apples.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today was a busy day! Both classes started the day reading books and putting puzzles together. Then we moved on to circle time where we sang "Wheels on the Bus," and "Old McDonald."

Then the AM class took a trip to the paper pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin. There were big pumpkins, little pumpkins, green pumpkins, yellow pumpkins, and orange pumpkins. Some of the pumpkins were happy, some were mad, and some were sad. Everybody took a turn to tell the class about his/her pumpkin.

The PM class sequenced pictures to tell about the Itsy Bitsy Spider. There is a terrible wind in Miss Diane's class that always blows the pictures out of the pocket chart. But we are getting really good at figuring out which picture comes first, second, third, and last.

Then it was center time. In the morning class we mixed yellow and red food coloring into shaving cream to make orange. Then we counted candy corns. We even got to eat one.

The afternoon class also counted candy corns and finished their paper bag jack-o-lanterns.
Then there was a little time to visit the farmer's market.

Snack today was carrots, crackers, and ranch dip.