Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Howdy Y'all!! It's rodeo time in Miss Diane's class!
We started the day in the morning class with the counting march. First one person starts marching around the circle and then she is joined by another and another and another until there are five children marching around the circle. Then, one by one, the children sit down until no one is left.

In the afternoon class we played musical chairs. Then both classes had center time. In centers today we played with green moon sand, painted at the easel, and we made our cowboy vests. We also played with pinto beans in the sensory table.


We then explored all of the items on the ranch. There are horses, barns, hats, boots, vests, and even a place to grill up some cowboy and cowgirl food.

Then Miss Diane read "A Cowboy Can." There are some good opposite pairs in the story such as, on/off, up/down, and in/out.
We rustled up some special grub today for snack. In the morning we had heart cookies and strawberries and in the afternoon we had cupcakes and strawberries.

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