Well say goodbye to rodeo and hello to pet shop.
We opened our pet shop today. It is a full service establishment where you can get your pet groomed, you can buy pet supplies, you can board you pet, and even get a check-up by a qualified veterinarian.
However, before the pet shop opened, we had to do a little training. First we practiced counting out the prescribed number of treats for your dog.
Next, we practiced our patterning skills with big and small horse stamps. The morning class worked on an ABAB pattern (big, small, big, small) and the afternoon class worked on AAB pattern (big, big, small, big, big, small).
We also had other centers open such as the easel, the sensory table, and the playdough table.
Then we were ready for business.
Snack today was cantaloupe and graham crackers in the morning and cantaloupe and popcorn cakes in the afternoon.
After snack the morning class heard a story called, "The Pigeon Wants a Puppy." It's a story about a pigeon who really wants a pet puppy until he realizes how big they are (if you happen to be a pigeon), how slobbery they are, how furry they are, and how big their teeth are. Then he changes his mind about the puppy and decides that he wants a walrus.
We ran out of time in the afternoon class so they will hear the story on Tuesday.
Have a good evening!
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