Thursday, September 25, 2014

Welcome to Tickle-Me-Thursday. It was a tickly day because we painted our feet! So if the bottoms of our feet look a little pink or green tonight at bath time, that is why.

Before we painted our feet we played a game called "Hide the Tambourine." We had to hide our eyes while one friend hid the tambourine. It was a lot of fun. Eventually we will have to tell where the tambourine was hidden. Was it UNDER the table? Was it BEHIND the mirror?

Miss Julie told us a sad story about an egg named Humpty Dumpty who fell off a wall. Then a windstorm blew through the classroom and messed up the pictures. We put them back in order and told the story again.
Of course, we spent time in the other centers. We washed babies, squished putty, drew with chalk, and played.

Snack today was applesauce and graham crackers.

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